H-E-B Updates Product Limits

H-E-B has updated its product limits list.
The key takeaway, limits on items like bread and frozen food have been removed.
The limits were put in place “in an effort to make sure all customers have access to products they need.” This was prompted by shoppers who began panic-buying amid the coronavirus pandemic. Below is the updated list.
Product Limits
Food items
- Eggs (smaller than 30 count) – 2 items
- Eggs (30 count and larger) – 1 item
- Pasta Sauce: 4 items
- Rice – 4 items
- Dried Beans – 4 items
- Powdered Milk – 2 items
Non-food items
- Acetaminophen – 2 items total (includes baby, trial and travel sizes, OTC)
- Baby wipes – 2 items
- Sanitary tampons, pads and liners – 2 items
- Incontinence – 2 items
- Puppy Pads – 1 item
- Bath tissue multipack (SA, Gulf, Border, Central TX, W TX, N TX) – 1 item
- Bath tissue single roll (SA, Gulf, Border, Central TX, W TX, N TX) – 2 items
- Bath tissue (Houston area) – 2 items
- Paper towels: 2 items
- Disinfecting & antibacterial sprays – 2 items
- Disinfecting & antibacterial wipes – 2 items
- Trial and travel size disinfecting & antibacterial sprays/wipes – 2 items
- Liquid bleach – 2 items
- Hand sanitizer – 2 items
- Hand soap – 2 items
- Aloe Vera – 2 items (Digestive Health, Skincare/Suncare, Healthy Living)
- Hydrogen peroxide – 2 items
- Rubbing (Isopropyl) Alcohol/swabs – 2 items
- First Aid and Cleaning Gloves – 2 items
- Masks – 2 items