Gov Abbott “Texas Will Open”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott had a press conference today announcing how Texas will re-open.
Phase 1
May 1st the following can re-open:
- Retail Stores
- Restaurants
- Theaters
- Shopping Malls
- Museums (Hands on exhibits must remain close)
- Libraries (Hands on exhibits must remain close)
However there will be a 25% occupancy allotment at these places.
Other Key Highlights
- Sole Proprietor can safely return to work.
- Churches & places of worship can remain open.
- Outdoor sports are allowed. Only 4 participants can play at once… example: Golf & Tennis.
- Doctors, nurses & dentist can re-open. All licensed health care workers can return to work.
- All other essential services that were already open, can remain open.
- Businesses are NOT required to re-open.